“Drifted” (2017) is a groundbreaking interactive sound sculpture that redefines our relationship with materials and sound through the transformative magic of granular synthesis. This innovative artwork harnesses the intrinsic qualities of materials and pushes the boundaries of sonic exploration.
By employing granular synthesis, “Drifted” breathes new life into everyday materials, unveiling the hidden potential of their natural frequencies. The sculpture invites participants to engage with it, becoming active collaborators in the evolution of sound. As one interacts with the sculpture, they embark on a journey of sonic discovery, shaping and molding the auditory landscape in real-time.
“Drifted” embodies the fusion of art, science, and technology, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of interactive art. It challenges our preconceived notions of materials and sound, offering a mesmerizing and immersive experience that invites us to rethink the relationship between the physical and the auditory. This exceptional artwork transports us to a realm where creativity knows no bounds, and the material world is a canvas for endless sonic exploration.